Sunday, January 24, 2010

What A lovely day!!!!!

Hum..oh my oh my..nononononono...
hihihihihi(apa aku mengarut nih)

hi3 xde pape..saje je...ha today was a big day...
for the first time ever step my foot to MUZIUM KESENIAN ISLAM....

hum before going..
bgn punyalah pagi...pagi yg amat nak siap2...akhirnya...nak shave pun x sempat...
ni la akibatnyer..bila bgn tapi lengah2kan masa...
sapa yg susah..tuan empunya diri la jgk yg susah kan..

we depart around 8 i there at 11.30
hum then dah settle2...
masuk la Muzium 2..i was so amazed especially with the mosque exhibit...
betapa indahnyer kesenian islam...

then lps dah hbs mencapap kat c2..
dah nak balik(pendek giler citer aku)
tgh sedap2 posing reramai depan pintu masuk...
dtg la Mommy dari Korea...she said'i'm a middle school teacher and i want to take ur picture so that i can show it to them"..kiteorg pun ape lagi..posing xingat la..hhihihih...
yg xleh thn..da pompuan memang allergic bab2 Korea ni..cbuk ler duk sebut"kamsahamnida,anyeong....dan yg sewaktu dgnnyer..."
but she was really friendly...(bila la nak sampai sana kan)

then after finishing there...went to SOGO...buat ape..entah la..mcm buat bodoh je lebih...
ha another shocking news in history...i ask fo some Bonus from my dad..maklumlah dah naik level ckit kan.... unexpectedly so lucky for a lot of bonus...hihihihi..happynyer(blh beli baju)..hum dah ader duit pepandai la jimat...masuk bln FEBRUARI kita mintak lagi...hihihihi
to my dad..thanks for the bonus u so much...i'll do my best k...

hum then satu lagi citer...
letih Zul..mecari si nak dara bertiga g tetiba hilang..
risau takut kena culik ke,kena langgar ngan motorkar ke...
sampai berpeuh cari...tup3..dah ader atas bas...he3..xpe Zul xmarah pun...yg penting u girls are safe and sound..

hum xde dah kot..lps tu balik..semayang maghrib....singgah makan..lps tu melalak ngan girls lam bas..dia bukak KAROK kat belakang bas..adus2...dunia2..hihihihi
hum tu je la...thanks to Muiz yg bertungkuslumus and to MDM Nurma ngan Miss Nurul yg mengiringi kiteorg...



  1. haha...
    sape la anak dare bertige tuh ye..
    Sorry la joe..
    ain terserempak ngan cousin a.k.a bestfriend..
    maunyer xsentap jumpe die...
    hehe.. sorry3x..

  2. hihihihi..xpela..biasa la 2..Jo risau je..korangkan pompuan..kat bndr KL ni apapun leh jadi
