Friday, October 12, 2012


Long time since last posted i'll be sharing some of the food recipe that i have tried doing
n turn out to be splendid.

i like this a BAKERY SHOP the price is not cheap..


Pastry (the SHELL)
250gm Butter (room temperature)
80gm Icing sugar
2 eggs
440gm flour (tepung gandum)
1 teaspoon vanilla essence 

300ml water
4 eggs
1cup fresh milk
1cup castor sugar
1tablespoon custard flour (best to melt with hot water)
1teaspoon vanilla essence 

HOW TO MAKE IT------->

1- Mix 250gm butter with 80 gm icing sugar until it blend together then add the eggs one by one
2- after all has mix well add the essence vanila then add the flour until it became a dough---->put the dough in the fridge to chill
3- add all the ingredients into a mixer and blend well..then transfer it into a jug for easy handling to pour the mixture
4-after 1 hour of chilling bring out the dough and make it into cup shape using whatever utensil u have that will make out the shape of the shell..heat the oven to 200'c and baked it for 15 minutes until it become hard enough
5- take out from oven and let it chill a little bit before taking it off the metal body-----then pour in the filling mixture into the cup that are done baking and put it back into the oven for 20 minutes (this process might take more than 20 minutes depend on ur oven....make sure the filling has become solid before taking it out from the oven)
6- let it cool down and store in a container ^_^...then u are ready to eat it for tea

so i hope u people out there succeed in making this EGG TART..i think i give out the best n i have tried this multiple might not be awesome at the first time..but within time it will turn out with perfection..we learn from mistake n maybe u will adjust my recipe according to your own level of taste..


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