Sunday, June 9, 2013


Assalamualaikum, Salam Sejahtera, Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening whatever ur time now is XD..

So here's another one...after a few times trying..n finally finding the best recipe for the custard filling the CREAM PUFF is now a success and have heavenly, amazing, wonderful take a lot of patient in doing it because if mess up...then its gonna be ruined...
Bulat2 Gebu kan..kalau korang xpaham resipi Zul ni buleh la tgk resipi ni.. RESIPI NI CIK EPAL YG PUNYE

Puff ingredients ----->

1/2 cup Butter ( as usual i use BUTTER MAS)
1 cup Water
1 cup Flour (ayak)
A pinch of Salt
1 teaspoon Vanilla essence
4 eggs

(BAKE FOR 25minutes under 200'c..check from time to time)

Custard filling ingredients ----->

1/2 cup Custard Flour
1 cup Water
1 cup Milk
5 tablespoon Castor sugar/ Coarse sugar
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoon Margerine

How to do it ------>

For easy understanding i take some picture from CIK EPAL for you people to understand better...anything just click on the link given then u can see...

1 - For the Puff..heat up the the PAN add n mix well the water and butter (buat lam PERIUK kalau boleh pakai yg nonstick punye) until it dissolved and u get a good yellow liquid 

2 - Add in the flour and salt and stir it well ( korang xnak nanti dia jadi ketol2 pulak kacau je elok2 sampai dia jadi macam doh gtuh) put it on a LOW HEAT...

3- Let it rest for 10 minutes after u remove it from the heat....after 10 minutes then u add in the eggs ONE by ONE!!  (kacau satu2..jangan belasah kacau semua sekaligus) dont forget the vanilla essence

4- U then gonna get this beautiful texture for the PUFF

5- So if u have a piping bag use one with a suitable nozzle...if you dont have it..just use two spoon/ ice cream scoop n put it nicely onto a tray that u have apllied with a baking sheet/aluminium foil/ butter... put into oven and wait till it cook and done.. ^_^
6- For the custard filling...mix well water and custard flour in a PAN until it dissolved (kalau custard ni xhancur nanti dia jadi ketol2 n keras)..turn on the heat at medium and keep on strirring..remember u have to constanly stirring it...then add in the milk---> stir----->sugar----> stir well then lastly add in the margarine...CAUTION!!! u have to constantly stir the mixture or else it will not turn out well....stir it well till u get a gloosy yellow mixture and turn off the heat...put it aside and add in the EGG YOLK and keep on stirring it...after u have added the egg...if u have an elctric mixer/hand mixer use that to get a well mixed texture for the filling..that's it and ur done..

7- Take out the puff from the OVEN and put the filling in...sprinkle some Confectioner's sugar like  CIK EPAL if desired....n there you go ready to eat.. its not compulsory its up to u ^_^...

That is a few basic instruction..u might think it's easy but it's not..anyway try your best..dont give up if u failed on ur first try...ALL THE BEST AND GOODLUCK.. Oh yah i follow CIK EPAL mostly and most of my recipe come from her as if have the time..dont forget to check on her BLOG and follow HER..coz she's funky and i laughed all the time reading her blog...her text contain humor ^_^....follow MY BLOG for updates and dont forget to follow CIK EPAL as well so here is the link CIK EPAL punye!! BLOG



Hi to u beautiful readers.. so this is another recipe that i have been doing for quite a few times already so here it GOES the recipe for everyone
Beautiful pieces of tarts

Tart shell....ingredients ---->

250 gm Butter/Margarine (Zul guna ButterMas)
80 gm Icing Sugar
2 eggs
440 gm flour (tepung gandum/tepung lembut)
1 teaspoon vanilla essence

(BAKE CRUST first for 170'c for 30 minutes...P/S it depends also on your type of ovens)

Cream cheese filling....ingredients----->

380gm Cream Cheese (room temperature)
100gm Castor Sugar
2 Egg
1 Teaspoon vanilla essence

BLUEBERRY JAM is needed..cari la lam botol ke kat kedai bakery ke mane2 la..

(Bake in oven again for 170'c for 10 minutes...bakar ni kejap je sebab nak suh cheese tuh kering)

MOST IMPORTANT THING..U NEED A STEEL TART CONTAINER..(ikut hangpa la nak pakai saiz ape pung..kalau ade saiz besar bas pun bedal je laaa)


1-For the tart shell, beat well the cream cheese (pukul sampai kembang dulu)..then add some icing sugar and continue beating it until mix well. Then add in the eggs and continue beating (ingat sampai kembang tau)
2- Put aside and add in the flour (ayak dulu), Then you all gentel2 la dia sampai jadi bola.. Put aside into the fridge for about 20 minutes
3- Then-----ha amik la ikut saiz besi tart korang then gentel2 la comel2..nak pakai roller ke..nak guna ape ke terserah...after you are done with it put into oven at the specific heat
Buat comel2 cam gini..pastu cucuk2 sikit dasar dia pakai garpu.. ^_^
4-for the Cream cheese filling (ingat letakkat luar sejam sebelum nak pakai)...beat it well in a mixer (pakai tgn pun boleh nanti berketol2 ar tgn korang buat ni )..then add in the sugar----beat well----add in the egg and vanilla essence n beat well then put aside.

5- Take out the tarts and do it like this
Letak la blueberry tu pakai sudu teh sikit2 sorang kasi sama rata...lepas tu korang nak letak cream cheese tuh  nak pakai sudu boleh..nak pakai piping bag pun boleh..Zul suka piping bag sebab senang sikit tak meleleh..

6. To decorate something on the tart..u can do it how u like it by here is an example that u can use

DECORATE IT LIKE THIS!!!...kasi cantik macam ni.... if you follow this example then u will succed with a GOLDEN STAR ^_^... i think that's everything you need in making this TART...if u have problem in doing the shell try reading this one coz the base ingredients for the tart shell is the same (TART BASE)...

7- If u failed..don't give up..even did it for quite a few times before i get it do ur best and keep on trying..all the best trying..share me the photos if u do this n dont forget to follow my blog ^_^

Beautiful right ^_^